Embark on a thrilling escapade with Jerry, the mischievous mouse, as he dashes through Tom's uproarious house in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse! Navigate through the mayhem, dodge obstacles, and collect cheese to outsmart Tom and reach new levels of excitement. Unleash your inner mouse agility in this animated and action-packed homage to the classic Tom and Jerry rivalry. Can you outrun Tom and prove that Jerry is the ultimate house-running champion?

Game Details:

  • Run, jump, and slide through Tom's chaotic house.
  • Dodge furniture, evade traps, and outsmart Tom to survive.
  • Collect cheese and boost your score.
  • Experience the timeless charm of Tom and Jerry in a dynamic and fast-paced gameplay.


JerryRun (.exe).rar 44 MB

Install instructions

Windows (EXE):

  1. Visit the platform (e.g.,
  2. Locate the download button or link on the game page.
  3. Click on the download button or link to initiate the download process.
  4. Choose the appropriate version of the game for your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux, etc.).
  5. Wait for the download to complete. This may take a few moments depending on your internet connection speed.
  6. Once the download is finished, locate the downloaded game file in your designated download folder.
  7. Extract the game files if necessary. Some games may come in a compressed format like a ZIP file.
  8. Double-click on the game executable file (e.g., .exe for Windows) to launch the game.
  9. If prompted, follow any on-screen instructions to install any required dependencies or libraries.
  10. Once the installation is complete, enjoy the thrilling gameplay 
  11. Run the "JerryHouseChase.exe" file to start the game.

Note: Make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements specified for the game to ensure smooth performance and optimal gameplay.

WebGL (Online):

  1. Click on the "Play Now" button.
  2. Wait for the game to load in your web browser.
  3. Use your keyboard arrow keys to control Jerry and navigate through the game.

Embark on a nostalgic journey with Jerry's House Chase โ€“ where chaos meets comedy in the classic Tom and Jerry style!

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